
The Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Year of publication



Family of document

Institutional Document

Type of document

Strategy Document


Today’s climate and environmental crises threaten the survival of humanity. All dimensions of our lives are affected, from our physical and mental health to our food, water and economic security. While the crises are impacting everyone, those who have contributed least to the problem are hit hardest – and it is only getting worse. Our ability to protect the lives and the rights of present and future generations depends on whether we make the right choices now – to cut greenhouse gas emissions, halt biodiversity loss and environmental degradation, adapt to rising risks, and address loss and damage associated with the impacts of the crises. Radical transformation is urgently needed to prevent further death and suffering. As local, national and international humanitarian organizations, we are deeply worried about the scale of the crises and our capacity to respond to rising needs. We are determined to act. We have a responsibility to work together to reduce the impacts of the crises by accelerating our own action and mobilising others to do the same.


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