About the Humanitarian Encyclopedia Dashboard
The Humanitarian Encyclopedia Dashboard is a visualization tool built to study corpora of humanitarian texts. It includes full-text content of ReliefWeb reports in three languages: English, French and Spanish (about 1 million texts and 2 billion words). Users can query RW content to view trends in humanitarian discourse and conduct analyses using the Sketch Engine corpus linguistics software.
To test the beta demo version of the app based on Humanitarian Encyclopedia data, please log in or create an account and return to this page
To test the current version of the Dashboard app based on ReliefWeb data, please contact for an individual access token.
How to use the Dashboard?
Once logged in, you will have access the Humanitarian Encyclopedia's corpus data and search tools to analyse, compare and contrast the occurence of concepts in around 5,000 humanitarian documents.
The Dashboard is currently under beta testing, and may be revised or improved. If you would like to participate in beta testing, please use this form with instructions. It takes around 15-30 minutes to complete.
Below is an image demonstrating how to use the tracker, comparing localisation and participation over time. The data show that while occurrences of the concept "localisation" increased in 2017 and 2018, occurrences of the concept participation decreased in those same years.
To conduct your own search queries, enter any term into the search bar. Read the user guide to learn how to construct more complex queries involving multiple terms and functions. Click settings to filter the data types you want to explore.
Example query